2023 St. Patrick's Day Festivities On Nantucket

David Creed •

There will be a variety of events taking place on island this weekend to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and the Current has gathered them altogether and put them in one place. If your event is not listed in here, please email davidcreed@n-magazine.com and we will add it to the list.

Dreamland St. Patrick's Day Party

St Paddys Party HOMEPAGE BAN

The Dreamland will be hosting their annual St. Patrick's Day Party, which will utilize the full second floor of The Dreamland and featuring live music by one of Nantucket’s favorite bands, Buckle & Shake. Light, complimentary hors d’ oeuvres and two cash bars will be available with Guinness and a special holiday cocktail. This event has a history of selling out, so if you'd like to buy a ticket or learn more about the party you can by clicking here. The whole family is welcome and kid's tickets are free of charge.

Elder Services Congregate Lunch On St. Patrick's Day 

Sheri Hunt tells the Current that there will be a St. Patrick's Day lunch at the Saltmarch Center beginning at noon, not to be confused with the evening dinner that is scheduled.

St. Patrick's Day Dinner At The Saltmarsh

St Patrick Dinner invitation

Cisco Brewery St. Patrick's Day Party On Saturday

Cisco Brewery St Paddys Day

Sean Lee Performances All Day Friday

Sean Lee St. Patrick's Day 2023

Sean Lee will be performing at three venues on Friday. It begins at Faregrounds from 2:30-4:30 p.m. followed by the Charlie Noble 5:30-7:30 p.m. and then Kitty Murtagh's from 8:30-10:30 p.m.

Fareground's St. Patrick's Day Buffet

Fareground's Logo

Bill Puder tells the Current that they will be serving a buffet all day and night at Faregrounds on Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. The live music will begin with Sean Lee at 2:30 before PJ Moody takes over at 5:30 p.m. up until 9 p.m. Click here to view the St. Patrick's Day menu/buffet.

Charlie Noble's Corned Beef Dinner

Charlie Noble Logo

The Charlie Noble will be serving a corned beef dinner on Friday and Sean Lee will be performing from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Fred Bisaillon tells the Current.

Kitty Murtagh's St. Patrick Day Festivities Friday And Saturday

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Head to Kitty Murtagh's on Friday for some Live Music throughout the day while enjoying a pint of Guinness and their St Paddy's day specials: Lamb Stew, Potato Leek Soup, Green Keylime Pie, and Cornbeef Cabbage.

On Saturday, join them for the Ireland and England Rugby Match at 1 p.m. Make sure to take a selfie picture at Kitty's Selfie Photo area with Leprechaun and tag them on your social media to be entered into the drawing for some fun prizes.

The Muse St. Patrick's Day Party

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Wines & Rinds - St. Patrick's Day At Bartlett's Farm

Bartlett Farm St Paddys day

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