
Fact-Checking The Nantucket Coastal Conservancy

David Golden •

To the editor: The Current’s news reporting is consistently outstanding, but it appears that its practice is to not fact-check letters to the editor from readers. That was made obvious to

Straight From The Baker's Mouth: Matt Fee Is Running For Reelection

Chris Perry •

Initially, it felt more like a conversation with an old friend versus me grinding for a much-anticipated political announcement. In fact, before getting to the crux of the matter, we reminisced

A Mile-Long Seawall: Embarrassment, Catastrophe, Both?

Burton Balkind •

To the editor: Nantucket’s reconstituted Conservation Commission (ConCom) appears ready to approve the phased construction of a mile-long seawall along Nantucket’s eastern shoreline. When complete,

Current Nature: A Spring Chorus Of Frogs

Seth Engelbourg, Naturalist Educator & Program Manager, Linda Loring Nature Foundation •

It may still feel like winter, but spring is fast approaching. Soon, frogs that have been dormant for the past few months will wake up. On Nantucket, we have fewer amphibian species than on the

Let's Get Real

Amy DiSibio •

To the editor: It seems several years ago Vineyard Wind and the town’s lawyers, Cultural Heritage Partners, successfully convinced our Select Board that an Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS)

Nantucket: A Happy Place - For some

Charles Dundee •

To the editor: It’s the happy place—at least for some people.For others, it’s a place of compromise. A place where workers are imported from the farthest corners of the world, living in conditions

Nine Reasons To Deny Surfside Crossing

Meghan Perry •

To the editor: Reasons to deny Surfside Crossing: 1) Failure to comply with stormwater standards: The developer has failed to comply with stormwater standards, thus creating a threat

Protecting Our Own Is Our Civic Duty

Frances Karttunen •

To the editor: Finance Committee chair Denise Kroneau has personally addressed the Select Board. She is in disagreement with the decision of the majority of the Finance Committee to give a positive

Urges ZBA To Deny Surfside Crossing

Meghan Perrry •

This letter was originally sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals To the editor:  Recently you have heard a lot of information from a lot of experts and paid consultants. I