Submerged, Abandoned Land Rover Removed From Jackson Point Pier
David Creed •

A Land Rover Discovery was found submerged in Jackson Point Pier out in Madaket early Saturday morning, with members of the Nantucket Fire Department, Nantucket Police Department, and Don Allen Auto Service all responding to the scene just after 5 a.m.

The circumstances of the accident are still under investigation, however sources told the Current that the owner of the vehicle arrived at the police station early Saturday morning “soaking wet” to report the Land Rover as being stolen.

Diver Chris Fuller of Fuller Diving spent well over an hour inspecting the scene and attempting to break loose the rover’s front tires that were stuck on the ramp.
“He saved the day,” one individual on the scene told the Current.

The vehicle was eventually removed from the water over four hours later at approximately 9:30 a.m. The owner of the Land Rover Discovery later arrived on scene, reiterating that his car had been stolen.

No one was injured as a result of this incident and no charges have been pressed at this time. This story will be updated as more information becomes available.