Airport Commission’s Screening Committee To Begin Evaluation Of Airport Manager Candidates On Friday

David Creed •

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The Nantucket airport commission has established a preliminary screening committee in order to use executive session to begin evaluating applicants for the airport manager position as the process of replacing Noah Karberg, who announced his intention to step down from the position in August, begins to ramp up

The commission held a brief 10-minute meeting late last month to establish the committee, and unanimously voted for commission chair Art Gasbarro and vice chair Andrea Planzer to be the executive preliminary screening committee. They will meet with ADK Executive Search, the consulting firm assisting the commission with its search, on Friday, December 6th at 3:30 p.m. Gasbarro said no interviews will take place during this meeting and the meeting will immediately go to executive session.

“This is the method for the public body to create a preliminary screening committee using executive session for the purpose of interviewing applicants for employment/appointment,” Gasbarro said to the commission while referencing the checklist to create the committee. “We would create this subcommittee to perform the initial work to consider and review applications in executive session, and then determining finalists that would be brought to the entire body in public session for consideration. There would need to be at least two finalists to come forward. My thinking would be that three might be better, but it is going to depend on the number of candidates and what we have. The committee cannot narrow the pool of candidates to a single finalist. The decision must remain with the entire body, the entire commission.”

ADK specializes in searches for airport and aerospace management positions. They are the same search firm that the commission worked with when hiring former airport manager Tom Rafter in April 2012. Gasbarro said he hopes to have finalists ready to present to the commission by sometime in January.

“The application process has closed, and they (ADK) have applicants,” Gasbarro said. “We are not aware of those applicants yet because this committee needed to be established.”

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