Airport Unveils New Apron Management Plan
David Creed •

Nantucket Memorial Airport unveiled a new apron management plan with the island community and pilots late last week. The plan, according to airport environmental coordinator Cameron Woods, is part of its ongoing mission to continue reducing noise and emissions pollution.
“The airport established the new Ramp Management Plan as part of our continued effort to reduce noise and emissions pollution on our island,” she said. “Since rolling out the plan last month, the airport has received zero noise complaints regarding ground operations.”
The airport's maintenance team has been installing the new apron signs and its FBO/OPS (Fixed Base Operator/Operations) staff has been taking time to educate pilots on their new procedures.
“Efficiency is certainly one of the Airport’s goals,” Woods said. “Safely and effectively coordinating traffic flow while quickly assigning parking positions is one of the surest ways to ease congestion on the ramp, ultimately reducing noise and emissions. Our aim is to efficiently manage the high demand of aircraft, while simultaneously minimizing noise and emissions.”
There are three zones that each have their own unique set of restrictions and limitations.
“Zone 1 permits aircraft to power in and power out,” Woods said. “There is a 15-minute restriction on APU (auxiliary power unit) use. Zone 2 permits aircraft to power in during the hours of (6 a.m. to 10 p.m.), but not to power out. This is to promote parking efficiency while still mitigating noise impact. There is a 15-minute restriction on APU use during operating hours. Outside of operating hours, all aircraft must be towed in and/or towed out, and APU use is strictly prohibited. Zone 3 requires aircraft to be towed in and towed out at all times. Engine running and APU use is strictly prohibited.
“Our ultimate goal is to improve efficiency, reduce noise/emissions, and most important improve safety for all users,” the airport added.