Seven Candidates Vying To Become Land Bank's Next Executive Director

David Creed •

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The Nantucket Land Bank Commission provided an update Tuesday afternoon on its ongoing search for the organization’s next executive director, announcing that seven qualified applicants had applied for the position.

Susan Campese, the Land Bank’s director of finance and administration, told the commissioners that the next round of interviews will take place in executive session to keep the applicants' names private from the public, as well as past or current employers. Campese said once the pool is trimmed down to two applicants, the final round of interviews will be conducted in a public session.

The Land Bank has been searching for a new executive director since August following the resignation of Jesse Bell, who departed the organization after nearly 17 years to take a job with the island law firm Cohen & Cohen.

In a press release sent out by commission chair Kristina Jelleme, she said the parties “mutually agreed to part ways” before thanking Bell for her years of service to the Land Bank and the many community projects and achievements she played a central role in.

Rachael Freeman was named the Land Bank's interim executive director shortly after Bell's departure, and Campese confirmed Tuesday evening that Freeman is one of the seven candidates seeking the permanent position. Freeman previously served as the Land Bank's director of operational resources.

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