Nantucket Cares Arrives In Poland
Jason Graziadei •

The Nantucket Cares team departed Logan International Airport in Boston Saturday night with television crews and island kids on-hand to see them off.
The aid mission being led by island resident Tom McCann has already raised more than $150,000 for Ukrainian refugees. McCann and a small group from Nantucket arrived in Gdańsk, Poland on Sunday and are now preparing to visit several refugee centers before making their way to the Ukrainian border.
McCann is joined by island residents Johnathan Rodriguez and Kasia Chmielewska Rodriguez, Chris Yates, Kit Noble, along with Jacquie Colgan, Brian McKernan and Yuliya Novak. In addition to those headed overseas from Nantucket, there is also a group of island residents who have been working behind the scenes to help coordinate the trip, along with the fundraising effort. McCann mentioned his wife Mary-Jo McCann, as well as Robin Slick, Tracy Long, Holly Finigan, Sarah Cribari, and Cheryl Fudge, among others, who are all playing different roles to help make the Nantucket Cares mission a success.