Nantucket Girl Scouts Earn Silver Award
Nantucket Current •

A group of ten Nantucket Girl Scouts from Troop 66120 received the Silver Award this week, the second highest award a Girl Scout can receive. The ten Girl Scouts and their families celebrated the achievement Tuesday night with a dinner together at the Seagrille restaurant.
The girls divided themselves into three small groups to earn the awards by conducting community service work to address a local issue, and learned about the challenges of working as a team and sharing ideas and opinions.
The first group (Silver A) created an emotional/support coloring book called “YAY TODAY” aimed at children in preschool through 5th grade. They worked with Fairwinds and counselors at the Nantucket Elementary School (Lisa Yates Hood). They had the books translated into Spanish and Portuguese to reach more children in the community. The books were dispersed across the schools on the island, including pre-schools, NES, NIS, the Nantucket New School, The Lighthouse School and the Boys and Girls club. The girls also set up a web site so anyone can download a copy of the book.
The second group of girls (Silver B) worked on a project called “Small Acts With Big Impacts." They placed three boxes around the town filled with essential items for those less fortunate. The items included supplies such as toiletries, hats, gloves and socks. Silver B was able to pass this project to a younger Girl Scout troop so that it will continue into the future.
The third group (Silver C) completed a project called “BEE AWARE” to increase awareness of the danger of the extinction of bees and their essential role in pollination. Their project was to give endangered bees a safe place to live and thrive. They planted native pollinating plants at a Land Bank property on 80 Miacomet Avenue.
Girl Scout Troop 66120 includes: Carley Ray, Sophia Yelverton, Shelbi Harimon, Hildee Medeiros, Aliza Mansfield, Marin Mooney, Fiona Keltz, Sutton Lebrecht, Sara Dussault and Emery Bouchard.