Photo Gallery: 2023 Swim Across America - Nantucket

David Creed •

SAAN Check 2023
Swim Across America Nantucket, led by directors Jim Pignato and Jill Roethke, raised a record $650,000 in this year's event. Photo by David Creed

The island community came together Saturday morning for the 11th annual Swim Across America - Nantucket event and raised an incredible $650,000 for on-island cancer care and oncology research. That record-breaking total was expected to rise even higher in the coming days and surpassed last year's total of approximately $525,000 by a wide margin.

Led by event directors Jim Pignato and Jill Roethke, the Swim Across America - Nantucket swimmers, volunteers and supporters highlighted the event by sharing stories about “Why I Swim” and their connections to those impacted or lost to cancer.

The money raised will be donated to the Nantucket Cottage Hospital, Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket, and the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center.

Below are some photos taken throughout the course of the event.

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