PHOTOS: Worker Scales Vineyard Wind Turbine Blade

Jason Graziadei •

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Photo by Austin Starr

Island resident Austin Starr was boating past the Vineyard Wind turbines on Saturday when he noticed something peculiar on one of the blades.

Upon closer inspection, Starr saw that the tiny spec on the giant, 351-foot blade was in fact a person. He captured several images that truly show the immense scale of Vineyard Wind's turbines, which are the largest in the western world.

The man in the photo is an independent composite specialist for the offshore wind industry who was doing inspections and repairs of the blades. It's unclear if the work was related to the recent blade failure or whether the specialist discovered any additional issues with the blades he inspected.

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Photo by Austin Starr
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Photo by Austin Starr
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Photo by Austin Starr
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Photo by Austin Starr
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