Nantucket's "Quentin The Quahog" Predicts An Early Spring
Jason Graziadei •

Take that Phil! Nantucket’s Quentin the Quahog predicted Sunday morning that an early spring is on the way. We're very happy to report that the groundhog from Pennsylvania was wrong!
We don’t have groundhogs on Nantucket, so we rely on the prognostication of a bivalve. The tradition stretches back to the 1980s and was started by former Nantucket Harbormaster Allen Holdgate.
Quentin the Quahog was opened at 10 a.m. Sunday morning at the town’s Brant Point Shellfish Hatchery by technician Joe Minella. Quentin squirted to the right, indicating an early spring rather than six more weeks of winter. He then paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Quentin’s prediction goes against that of Punxsutawney Phil who saw his shadow this morning, portending six more weeks of winter.
Watch our video of Quentin the Quahog's prediction by clicking here.