Town Denies Freedom Of Information Act Request For Executive Session Minutes On Good Neighbor Agreement

Jason Graziadei •

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The town of Nantucket has denied a public records request filed by Nantucket Current seeking access to the executive session minutes that led up to the signing of the Good Neighbor Agreement with Vineyard Wind.

The agreement, which was signed in August 2020, was negotiated behind closed doors with no public input. As the Select Board has vowed to renegotiate this agreement following the July 13th turbine blade failure at the Vineyard Wind lease area, and with additional offshore wind farms planned nearby, the Current believes it is imperative for the community to understand the decision-making that led to up to its signing, and the advice the town received from its special counsel, Cultural Heritage Partners.

The Current filed the public records request on August 3rd, and the town was required to respond within 10 business days. After receiving no response, the Current inquired again and notified the Massachusetts Secretary of State's Public Records Division. On Sept. 12, the Select Board met in executive session and voted against releasing the minutes from its meetings in July and August of 2020 which led up to the signing of the Good Neighbor Agreement, stating that "the purpose of the executive sessions remains ongoing, such that the negotiating and litigating position of the town would be harmed by disclosure at this time," and citing attorney-client privileged information.

Read the full denial letter at this link.

The Current has appealed the decision to the Secretary of State's office.

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