Wannacomet Water Company Reports Available To Customers
Nantucket Current •

Wannacomet Water and Siasconset Water is advising the public that its customers have been mailed postcards notifying them that the 2022 Consumer Confidence Reports can be viewed online at Nantucket-ma.gov on the Water Department page.
The document will be included in Water Quality Reports and can be accessed online at www.nantucket-ma.gov/WWCO2023 for Wannacomet and www.nantucket-ma.gov/WaterSiasconset2023 for Siasconset.
To obtain a hard copy, contact the Water Company at 508-228-0022 or email water@nantucket-ma.gov The reports identify the source of Nantucket’s drinking water, any contaminants that have been identified in the water, and what the potential health effects of these contaminants are. The report also contains the public outreach initiatives performed.