Airport Shouldn't Park Piston-Driven Propeller Airplanes Near Nobadeer
Doug Kepple and Tim Clepper •
To the editor: Last evening’s (Tuesday's) Airport Commission meeting was very sobering for those of us who live in the Nobadeer Valley and those who enjoy Nobadeer Beach.
Last evening the Airport Commission, in response to a direct question, said they plan to park piston-driven propeller airplanes on the grass to the south of the new jet parking lot. The new jet parking lot is shaded yellow on the satellite photo below and the propeller parking is shaded red. This propeller parking is as close to Nobadeer Beach as possible and right next to a heavily populated residential neighborhood.
Those propeller planes, perhaps 30 or more, burn high octane leaded gas – fuel outlawed in cars. There are numerous studies that show the catastrophic health impacts of leaded fuel, particularly on children. I’m sure the Nantucket scientific community can send you a few articles that clearly articulate the dangers of lead-filled exhaust.
There is a very simple solution. One that doesn’t need FAA approval, doesn’t need an environmental study, doesn’t need town or federal funding, and doesn’t visit noxious toxic fumes and unbearable noise on a residential neighborhood – park the propeller planes on the grass portion of the North Ramp. This area, shaded purple, is industrial, not residential, and is designated for and currently used as propeller airplane parking.
Doug Kepple and Tim Clepper
Nobadeer Valley residents