Don't Be The Victim Of Scare Tactics On Article 60

Patsy Wright •

To the editor: Article 60... Yay or nay? I am likely not the only one who’s weary of this debate.

That said, here is why I support Article 60…….permit me to dumb it down:

  • I am a Nantucket resident. I STR my house every summer (need the income). Sound familiar?
  • Article 60 does not threaten that. It protects this tradition.
  • Article 60 does regulate off- island investors from, gobbling up real estate with the express purpose to run mini-hotels and STRs in our residential neighborhoods.

There is strong support to Article 60, and there is some opposition. To be clear, and this is important, Article 60 makes no one rich. On the other hand, opposing Article 60 opens the floodgates for fast cash to corporate investors and others who have huge, vested interests. It’s a runaway train. Nantucket has always been for sale, but geez, not like this.

Don’t be a of victim of scare tactics from those who oppose Article 60, there is an agenda going on there.

Above all, yay or nay, PLEASE go to Town Meeting. The purest form of democratic governing is practiced in a Town Meeting. By not attending, you forfeit your power to effect change, and in my humble opinion, you forfeit your humble opinion.

Please, let’s greet each other at Town Meeting with open minds and gladness of heart. We must never lose sight of the fact that each and every one of us love this island, that is our common bond.

Patsy Wright

Current Opinion