What Article 60 Would Accomplish For Short-Term Rental Rights

Emily Kilvert •

To the Editor,

The Current published another letter from Mr. Vidoni where he continues to repeat incorrect information about Article 60 - a zoning amendment to allow STRs in residential zoning. Many long-time residents, myself included, support this proposal. We believe the island and its voters can get behind it because it accomplishes two things:

1) Article 60 protects homeowners by assuring that STRs are legal in residential zoning districts.

Contrary to Mr. Vidoni's suggestion, there is no residency requirement. The language simply makes it clear that owner-occupied properties have more protections. It seems understandable, given how hard it has become to live and work on the Island. The bottom line is that 100% of STRs in residential zones would have a pathway to comply with Article 60.

In other words, every homeowner will have the ability to STR (and the option to do it in the future) under one simple condition: the property must be used as a residence more than an STR. "Residential use" means any use by the owner (for any length of time) or any rental longer than 31 days.

2) Article 60 will prevent strictly commercial STR businesses (where no one lives) from operating in residential neighborhoods.

With 97% of the Island in residential zoning, we must protect our cherished neighborhoods from the unrestricted commercial interests that are continuing to target Nantucket. The full text of Article 60 is included below. I encourage all Nantucket voters to read it for themselves rather than listen to misinformation from those trying to defend the indefensible status quo.


"In residential districts, Short-Term Rentals are permitted on Owner Occupied properties. For purposes of this section 139 only, the duration of Owner Occupied shall be at least six months in each calendar year.

For non-Owner Occupied properties in residential districts, a Short-Term Rental shall be considered a permitted accessory use provided (1) the primary dwelling and secondary dwelling, if applicable, are each used for long-term residential use more than short-term rental use; and (2) the Short-Term Rental is registered with the Town in accordance with General Bylaw § 123.

All other STRs in residential districts are prohibited."

Emily Kilvert

Current Opinion