Nantucket Land & Water Council Urges No Vote On Article 1, Yes Vote On Article 2

Emily Molden •

To the editor: I am writing to provide some clarification on the Nantucket Land & Water Council’s (NLWC) review process and our position on Article 1 at the upcoming Special Town Meeting.

In his letter to the editor on Friday, Tucker Holland wrote that “the vast majority of” concerns included in a July NLWC letter to the Planning Board on Article 1 were addressed. This is not the case.

We are not supporting Article 1. We are supporting a positive motion for Article 2.

The NLWC reviewed Article 1 as it was originally proposed in advance of the Planning Board’s public hearing process in July. We provided a number of comments and concerns in a written letter, which was shared by link in Mr Holland’s LTE. As an advocacy organization we always seek to raise legal concerns and request changes or conditions that we believe will improve a given policy, approval or permit.

At the public hearing, the Planning Board directly addressed two of our concerns, which are reflected in their positive motion. I commend the Planning Board for their leadership during that public hearing process and their openness to addressing several citizen concerns. However, after further review of Article 1, we found it still fell short.

The NLWC’s recommendations for STM can be found on our website and will be available as a handout at STM. Again, we are not supporting Article 1. We are supporting a positive motion for Article 2. Please visit our website for more information

Emily Molden
NLWC Executive Director

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