On Article 67: The Home Rule Petition To Establish Coastal Resilience Districts

Gerry Connick •

To the editor: In regards to the best interests of the people of the town of Nantucket and the public interests of those same residents the article proposes to allow the various boards of Nantucket to set up certain sub-districts to be able to charge the private ownership located in these districts the costs of building and maintaining public improvements to sustain the coastal resilience of various town infrastructures from various changes such as - but not limited to - sea level rise.

What this seems to mean is that a very small group of Nantucket citizens will be required to finance the building and maintenance of public improvements to the best interest of all the residents of the island of Nantucket. That is the protection of the current infrastructure of the island's roads, sewer systems, and utilities etc.

I believe it is the sole right of the private property owners to protect the public and private property to the best of their ability and not be the cause of any damage to any property regardless of the ownership.

The ongoing damage -if any- to the island is not caused by any private owners who obey the laws and codes in effect when their property was purchased or modified.

Gerry Connick

Current Opinion