Peter McCausland Is "The Man In The Arena"

John Penrose •

To the editor: Teddy Roosevelt delivered a speech in Paris in 1910 entitled “Citizenship in a Republic” which included this famous quote: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…who errs…but who does actually strive to do the deeds…who spends himself on a worthy cause….”

Peter McCausland is such a man. Without any motivation except to help the Nantucket that he loves, Peter established ACK Now to raise awareness to the hazards that corporate-owned short-term rentals are having on the ability of year-round families to rent or buy a house.

ACK Now’s messaging on this complex issue may have been muddled at times but the spirit behind their efforts has been pure. ACK Now is trying to be a positive force for change by not only raising awareness but through action such as their most recent initiative “Lease to Locals” which seeks to financially encourage homeowners to rent their homes to year-round residents.

ACK Now has always been FOR protecting the right for Nantucket locals to rent their homes, cottages and rooms to allow them to afford to continue to live here. They have always been AGAINST the rapid spread of corporate-owned, investor-funded properties that are used for short-term rentals which exasperates the ability for local families to rent or own on Nantucket.

The STR debate has become polarizing, mirroring the general political climate. But America has always been shaped by individuals who ACT now and don’t look to government to solve problems. To me, it makes it even more admirable for anyone to risk derision by standing up and trying to develop solutions rather than sit on the sidelines and just criticize.

John Penrose

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