So Long Nantucket, We Will Miss You...

John Ladany •

To the editor: I read with interest John Sylvia's letter of May 19th, as he has hit the mark in my opinion.

My wife and I honeymooned on Nantucket in 1982 and have returned almost every summer since then. Over the past decade we have rented homes in Naushop, and then switched to a smaller dog-friendly property in 'Sconset. We absolutely loved spending several weeks on the island -biking, walking, swimming, shopping, etc.

Sadly this is now coming to an end. My epiphany was realizing that the two of us could fly to Rome and stay five nights in our preferred five-star hotel on the Piazza Navona for LESS than the cost of one week's rental on the island. And that's without factoring in the nearly $700 cost to bring our car on the ferry.

This summer we are making several visits to Montreal, a trip to the Finger Lakes, and then Europe in the fall. So long Nantucket, we will miss you...

John Ladany
Bovina Center, NY

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