Steamship Authority Needs Some Private Competition

Bill Hallstein •

To the editor: Year-round Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket residents deserve cost-efficient transportation back and forth to diverse mainland ports in order to achieve an economically and environmentally sustainable future for a healthy island community.

It is time to create a regional multi-port private carrier system with a neutral oversight authority which governs without the conflict of interest embedded in the current Steamship Authority organizational structure created by the Enabling Act.

The current ferry line is an antiquated single-point-of-failure system which has failed financially, environmentally and operationally!

Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket would be well served by creative private marine carriers. Competition is healthy! The ability to operate from off-Cape ports provides real “lifeline” service.

Let private competition improve cost reduction, environmental protection and the safety net of diversity and creativity to help island residents enjoy sustainable economic and environmental health.

Bill Hallstein

Current Opinion