The "Bearded Man" Speaks Out On Short-Term Rental Trial

Jeff Schneider •

To the editor: I have been told I am quoted by your publication as "the bearded man." I have now subscribed to your mailing list and am replying to you to reiterate what I said.

We live directly across the street from the house in question. In all the time the Grapes have owned and or rented their property we have never had an issue of any kind with them or any of their rentals. That is not to say we do not hear noise and see people. Being in such close proximity to your abutters means you will always hear them. Living downtown on small lots makes this a fact of life. Never has the noise level coming from their property been greater than other abutters and certainly has never been a hardship to us. It is just noise you put up living in the core district. Live and let live is a phrase that fits well here. It has always been this way and always will.

This seems to be something the plaintiff does not understand. Yesterday I stopped in the road after leaving my driveway across the street to briefly offer my opinion on this matter to the assembled group. I stand by my opinion and will add that if the plaintiff is so unhappy with where she lives then perhaps she should move rather than try to change the neighborhood we have lived in for 40 years.

I doubt she would heed this advice but I wish she would.


Jeff Schneider
West Dover Street

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