The Worst Letter Of 2023 (So Far)

Nat Lowell •

To the editor: As I sat in my van Thursday morning in the old A&P lot glancing through the Inky letterbag, I came across the most absurd letter certainly in recent memory. With today’s level of whining and complaining, that’s saying something. How the author of this letter could actually put these words on paper disparaging the Hy-Line service to Nantucket is beyond comprehension. I could write a long detailed response to this but I will instead use this moment to say something much more important.

Thank you Hy-Line for "taking care of Nantucket."

Thank you for pioneering the fast ferry age which made it possible for youth sports to grow past the Stone Age. Thank you Hy-Line for making it possible for an ice rink and today’s hockey programs to be viable and successful 26 miles out to sea. Thank you for the collaborative effort’s working with the Steamship Authority synching our schedules to coincide with seasonal fluctuations and maintenance schedules. Thank you for working with all the youth sports programs on group rates for the growing multiple needs as opportunities evolve.

Lastly, from Rob Ranney and myself, we thank you for listening to us over the years, working collaboratively for "what’s right for Nantucket" as that’s what it’s all really about. We look forward to small but important improvements in the service for all the island's changing needs, however, we are still in fact an Island. There "will" be inconveniences along the way. That’s part of being an island. If you haven’t figured that out by now then maybe you need to look elsewhere for your life’s expectations. Again, a huge thank you to everyone who make the fast ferry system function for "Everything Nantucket."


Nat Lowell

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