Town Leadership Should Support ConCom's Push For New Wetlands Regs

D. Anne Atherton •

To the editor: We commend the Conservation Commission (ConCom) for working to update our local wetland regulations, and urge our Select Board to support this important undertaking.

Nantucket’s wetlands are not only beautiful; they are our first and most effective line of defense against sea level rise. Yet our wetland regulations have not been updated in over a decade. In Nantucket’s recently adopted Coastal Resilience Plan (CRP), the Town’s consultants at Arcadis identified updating our wetlands regulations as a top priority.

It is no surprise that developers and real estate interests are already pushing back against this critical initiative. But if our Town leadership is truly committed to safeguarding Nantucket’s future, then it is time for the Select Board to show some leadership by speaking out and supporting the ConCom as it strives to make Nantucket more resilient.

On behalf of the Nantucket Coastal Conservancy Coordinating Team, including Elin Anderwald, Burton Balkind, Joyce Berruet, Peter Brace, Diane Coombs, Sunny Daily, Janie Hobson Dupont, Susan Landmann, Susan McFarland, Catherine Nickerson, Kate Shea, Mary Wawro, and Karen Werner,


D. Anne Atherton
Administrative Coordinator

This letter was originally sent to the Nantucket Select Board

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