Why Is The Inky Running Second-Hand Opinions As Front Page News?

Joe Grause •

To the editor: I served on the town Finance Committee from 2014 until this past June. I have also been on the Board of Habitat for Humanity Nantucket since 2011. In both capacities, I have had dozens of interactions with newly appointed Planning Director Leslie Snell and former Planning Director Andrew Vorce. They are both hard-working, dedicated public servants. I have never experienced anything other than thoughtful professionalism from either of them. The citizens of Nantucket have benefited from their many contributions over the years.

I was therefore surprised this past week to see the I&M devoting “above the fold”, headline coverage to a letter from a Mrs. Karla Butler criticizing Planning Director Leslie Snell. Mrs. Butler is entitled to her opinions and the paper is certainly free to publish her letter. But Mrs. Butler’s five-year-old, second-hand opinions about Ms. Snell are not front-page news.

The I&M can be much more responsible than lending credibility to negative comments about a town professional. I urge the editor, Mr. Balling, and chairman David Worth to be more thoughtful about what they print on page one.

An apology to Leslie Snell would be a nice gesture too.

Joe Grause

*This letter was originally sent to the Inquirer & Mirror. 

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