Current Real Estate Roundup - March 17, 2023

David Creed •

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This week’s Current Real Estate Roundup includes property transfers from March 9, 2023 to March 16, 2023.

16 Willard Street for $4,900,000 from Willard Street N.T., LLC to Kim Bepler, .12 acres, dwelling, and a land bank fee of $98,000 was paid. The assessed value of the property is $4,000,900.

16 Willard Street
16 Willard Street (Photo courtesy of The Maury People)

You can read more about this Willard Street property by following this link to the Maury People's website, who have a full rundown of the property and what it consists of.

5 Macy’s Lane/Unit #A-1 for $3,200,000 from Richard J. Diamond and Jeanne A. Diamond, Trustees of Gem Realty Trust to Monarca LLC, acreage: N/A, business/condo, and a land bank fee of $64,000 was paid. The assessed value of the property is $1,483,100.

One Meader Street for $1,600,000 from Daiana Spotti to Nantucket Islands Land Bank, .06 acres, dwelling, and a land bank fee was exempt. The assessed value of the property is $966,026.

10D Thirty Acres for $689,551 from MC Housing, LLC to MC Housing, LLC, acreage: N/A, dwelling/condominium, and a land bank fee of $13,791 was paid. The assessed value of the property is $551,200.

42 Baxter Road for $500,000 from 42 Baxter Road PRS Realty Trust to David Stack, as Trustee of the Electra Potter Road Trust, .24 acres, dwelling, and a land bank fee of $10,000 was paid. The assessed value of the property is $2,135,700.

House Graphic 3/16/23
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