Photo Gallery: Run For Recovery

Nantucket Current •

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  • Jerry Adams 1920w
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Photography by Jim Meehan

The Annual Run For Recovery 5K Race took place this past weekend. This event raises money for Addictions Solutions of Nantucket, a nonprofit organization that provides aid and assistance to those who are struggling with substance use disorders. The organization surpassed their goal of $50,000 in donations. Above are some photos taken by island resident, runner, and photographer Jim Meehan that he shared with the Current.

The winners of the race in the men's division were:

First Place: Aiden McCormack - 19:34

Second Place: Jim Congdon - 19:51

Third Place: Kyle Khristiansen - 20:26

The winners of the race in the women's division were:

First Place: Jesse Bell - 23:19

Second Place: Jinx Howe - 24:43

Third Place: Laura O’Banion - 24:55

To access the full list of results and a video announcing the raffle winners, click here.

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