Current Court Report - August 11, 2023

David Creed •

This edition's Current Court Report includes arraignments and dispositions from the Wednesday and Thursday Nantucket District Court sessions.

Carson Larson Alami, 22, of Arizona, was arraigned on July 30 charges of assault & battery on a family/household member and malicious destruction of property under $1,200. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Sept. 25 for a pretrial hearing.

Joseph D. Gannon, 55, of Hyannis, had a Feb. 27 charge of assault & battery on a family/household member dismissed due to lack of prosecution.

Karen Garcia Lopez, 29, of Nantucket, had one Nov. 25, 2022 charge and one May 29 charge of assault & battery on a family/household member dismissed due to lack of prosecution.

Peter O’Brien, 44, of Nantucket, was arraigned on August 3 charges of assault & battery (two counts) and disorderly conduct; an August 4 charge of malicious destruction of property over $1,200; August 6 charges of assault & battery on ambulance personnel (four counts) and assault with a dangerous weapon; and an August 7 charge of malicious destruction of property under $1,200.

He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court at a later date. In the meantime, O’Brien has been taken to a treatment facility off-island.

According to the police reports obtained by the Current, O’Brien physically assaulted numerous hospital staff members and police officers over the course of four days at the hospital, and destroyed several pieces of equipment at the medical facility on Prospect Street.

After being continued without a finding for one year, Matthew Raab, 49, of Nantucket, had a Dec. 23, 2021 charge of assault & battery dismissed.

Arthur Souza, 63, of Nantucket, was arraigned on Aug. 10 charges of shoplifting and trespassing. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Sept. 25 for a pretrial hearing.

*All defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty under a court of law*

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