Current Court Report - October 24, 2023

David Creed •

This week’s Current Court Report includes arraignments and dispositions from Monday’s Nantucket District Court session.

Jose Gerardo Serrano, 40, of Florida was arraigned on June 21, 2014 charges of indecent assault & battery on a child under 14 years old (two counts) and a charge of enticing a child under 14 years old. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Nov. 20 for a pretrial hearing. He had his bail set at $5,000.

According to the police report, on May 14, 2015 the alleged victim in the case – who was nine years old at the time – told police that she had allegedly been sexually assaulted by Serrano and touched inappropriately. She told police she would tell him to stop but he allegedly never did. This allegedly took place “more than one time but less than five times” at a residence on the island while she was eight years old.

Serrano was picked up on a straight warrant. His attorney, Susan Wenzel, said during a bail hearing that her client denies every allegation against him and said this stems from a fallout between Serrano and the alleged victim’s father.

Ingrida Cernyte Rascius, 41, of Nantucket was arraigned on Oct. 5 charges of leaving the scene of property damage, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, speeding, and a marked lanes violation. She had not-guilty pleas entered on her behalf and was ordered to return to court Dec. 4 for a pretrial hearing.

According to the police report, police responded to the area of Center and Liberty Street after Rascius allegedly hit the Bank of America Building on 65 Main Street with her vehicle and left the area.

Several witnesses told police that they saw a Black Dodge Pick Up Truck traveling at a high rate of speed from Center Street to Liberty Street, and that the vehicle drove off the road onto the sidewalk, struck a sign, drove onto the grass of The Methodist Church, and struck the corner of the Church.

Witnesses added that the vehicle then struck the Bank of America building – causing damage to the building, gutter, and bike rack. The operator was described in a way that matched Rascius.

Officers eventually located the vehicle and Rascius at Lilly Pond Park. Rascius allegedly admitted to police that she was operating the truck, had been in an accident, and left the scene without leaving her name or contact information. Police estimate she was traveling at 40 miles per hour when she hit the bank while traveling in a 25 mile per hour speed zone.

Ranger Garcia Alcequiez, 31, of Nantucket had May 5 charges of assault & battery on a family/household member and assault with a dangerous weapon, as well as May 21 charges of assault & battery on a pregnant victim, assault & battery on a family/household member, and malicious destruction of property over $1,200 dismissed after the Cape & Island’s District Attorney’s Office declined to move forward with the case following the alleged victim’s refusal to cooperate with prosecutors.

*All defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty under a court of law*

Current Crime