Current Court Report - September 5, 2023

David Creed •

This week’s Current Court Report includes arraignments and dispositions from Tuesday’s Nantucket District Court session.

Joshua Gray, 41, of Nantucket, was arraigned on Sept. 4 charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of property damage (x2), and a marked lanes violation. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Oct. 10 for a pretrial hearing.

According to the police report, police responded to the area of 12 Milk Street where a red Jeep Wrangler allegedly collided with a fence and left the scene. Gray’s phone was allegedly found at the scene of this crash. Officers followed debris from the crash toward Hummock Pond Road – spotting a snapped bike path sign pole and a tire consistent with a Jeep Wrangler.

Officers observed a fresh scrape mark along the roadway consistent with a motor vehicle operating without a tire on its rim. Officers followed the scrape mark to a residence on Hawthorne Lane and upon arrival, found a red Jeep Wrangler with front end damage, smoking, and a side rear tire completely gone and resting on the rim. The homeowner allegedly told police the vehicle’s owner was Joshua Gray, who lives in the back room of the residence.

Daniel Henry, 48, of Nantucket, was arraigned on a Sept. 2 charge of violating an abuse prevention order. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and had his bail set at $500. He was ordered to return to court Nov. 20 for a pretrial hearing.

Booker T. Williams, 36, of Nantucket, was arraigned on an Aug. 29 charge of assault & battery on a family/household member. He had a not-guilty plea entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Oct. 23 for a pretrial hearing.

*All defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty under a court of law*

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