Airport Begins Construction Of Housing Project On Nobadeer Farm Road
David Creed •

Construction of the airport’s crew quarters project on Nobadeer Farm Road, which will provide much-needed housing for their employees, has officially begun after site clearing was completed last week. Airport manager Noah Karberg said during Thursday’s airport commission meeting that a subcontractor is on site now stripping soil, rubbing stumps, and preparing for fencing installation and foundation excavation.
Karberg said a meeting with the project team and the town on sewer construction will take place shortly. He said they will be giving this project “the seriousness it deserves” given the location of the construction.
“We want to make sure that this is handled in the least disruptive manner,” Karberg said. “We recognize we are constructing I believe several hundred feet of sewer extension on Nobadeer Farm Road which is busy, there are schools, parents dropping kids off, kids biking around, so we are going to give this the seriousness it deserves.”
The general contractor of the project is Pearl Construction. While Karberg said he was not ready to release a public schedule outlining the timeline of the project, he gave a walkthrough of what the schedule will look like.
- Sewer work should take place in late September/October
- Modular deliver in January or February
- Assembly/completion in March/April
- Finalizing site work in May
- Occupancy in June