Another Fire Hits The Madaket Landfill

The dump caught fire, again.
Nantucket firefighters responded to the Madaket landfill early Wednesday morning as a large pile of debris inside the construction and demolition waste building caught fire.
The alarms inside the structure started going off around 1:30 a.m., and firefighters arrived to find smoke billowing out of the structure located at the rear of the landfill property. Two engines responded to the scene, along with staff from Waste Options, the company that holds the contract with the town to operate the landfill, and Nantucket Police. The Waste Options staff assisted the effort by driving an excavator into the building to separate the burning debris as firefighters hosed it down.
It was the second fire at the dump since last Thursday.
We asked the Waste Options staff if it was possible the Nantucket firefighters were dousing some of the same debris they extinguished back on July 9 at the Veranda House fire, as the remains of the hotel were demolished and some of it came to the dump. They told the Current the Veranda House debris had been moved out of the pile and was not part of what was burning early Wednesday morning.
Firefighters had to deal with low water pressure, but at least got to listen to Tom Petty and Ice Cube on a portable speaker as they worked to extinguish the fire into the early morning hours.