Egan Maritime And Hospital Name 2024 Lifesaver Award Recipients
JohnCarl McGrady •

The Egan Maritime Institute and Nantucket Cottage Hospital will honor the 2024 recipients of the annual Lifesavers Recognition Day awards, given to modern-day lifesavers, next Wednesday at the Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum.
The Lifesavers Recognition Day Lifesaving Award, given to a citizen who rescues or endeavors to rescue any other person from drowning, shipwreck, or other perils of the water, will be awarded to Seth Engelbourg, Erin O’Brien, Tyler Herrick, and members of the ACK Surf School including Gavin Norton, Alex Horan, Brad Gebhardt, Chase Bomiesler, Turner Garland, and Jackson Roberts.
Engelbourg, the chair of the Nantucket Conservation Commission, pulled two girls from the water in July, potentially saving their lives.
“The water was rough that evening, and the riptide could have quickly taken the girls
out to sea,” the Lifesavers Recognition Day Committee said in a statement.
O’Brien, a former Nantucket lifeguard, saved a woman from the rip current at Ladies Beach with help from a trio of New Jersey tourists, carrying her to shore after it became clear she couldn’t move.
“We are deeply grateful for her selfless act and her dedication to water safety,” the Committee said.
Two days later, Herrick, a local bartender, rescued a series of people at Nobadeer while surfing, including a young child.
“Tyler not only helped keep everyone safe, but he also took the time to educate the swimmers on how to swim with a strong current safely and helped them understand how important it is to follow the lifeguard’s instructions when the rip is so strong,” the Committee said.
Norton, the owner of ACK Surf School, and his team helped save two swimmers from the rip current at Nobadeer earlier this month.
“In what could have been a very tragic accident, these surfers were able to assist the Nantucket
Lifeguards in bringing two swimmers who were over 200 yards out to sea in hazardous conditions,” the Committee said.
CNN news anchor Kaitlan Collins will receive the Maurice Gibbs Commendation Award, which honors a person who contributed significantly to saving and preserving lives for the people and the Town of the Country of Nantucket.
Collins stopped to help an elderly man on Broad Street on July 30th after he fell off his bike, seriously injuring his leg. Utilizing her hostile environment training, designed to prepare reporters for covering war zones or other dangerous areas, Collins helped to staunch the bleeding from his leg and comfort the man while waiting for paramedics to arrive.
“As a community and a committee, we are grateful for the hard work of all our professional lifesavers and heroic citizens.” Lifesaving Recognition Day Committee Chair Jessica Guff said. “We all would like to implore community members to listen to the warnings of first responders, especially the Harbor Master’s office and lifeguards. Accidents happen, but it is essential to know your limits while swimming and avoid putting yourself and others in danger.”
After a trying summer on the waterfront, the Egan Maritime Institute has invited all of the island’s lifeguards to the ceremony to receive personal thanks for their efforts.
All are welcome to join Egan Maritime and Nantucket Cottage Hospital on the evening of September 11, 2024 to celebrate the 2024 Lifesavers Recognition Day, when the recipients will receive their awards. This is a free event, but registration is required and donations are encouraged. To register, click here.