Heavy Fog Results In Long Passenger Lines, Flight Delays Sunday Afternoon
David Creed •

Heavy, dense fog over the island and a ground stop in Boston led to long lines and confusion amongst travelers at the Nantucket Memorial Airport Sunday afternoon.
The line for airline departures stretched out of the terminal and down the sidewalk, with one employee who has worked at the airport for over 10 years telling the Current it was the worst he and other workers can remember it ever being.

As the fog lifted, many passengers were attempting to board their flights at the same time. As many flights attempted to depart at the same time, departure delays ensued.
Some passengers praised the efforts of the airport and airline staff members, including Adare Lindsay Kiely who said “they did so great though for what was a horrible long 24 hours. They even brought out fans and water.”
Airport manager Noah Karberg told the Current that there were 1,502 expected secure departures on Sunday, which he said is a typical number for a summer Sunday.

Another airline employee told the Current “we’re holding up well and we have an awesome team. It was a long one, but no complaints from us.”
The airport later confirmed in a statement on Twitter that “local heavy fog and a ground stop in Boston are complicating traffic in Nantucket. Please contact your airline for the latest updates.”