NHS Graduation Moved To Friday Due To Poor Weather

Nantucket Current •

IMG 6823

Due to poor forecasted weather on Saturday, the Nantucket High School Class of 2023 graduation has been moved to Friday, June 16 at 6 p.m. Graduation will remain outdoors at the football field. The Baccalaureate has been moved to today, June 15 at St. Paul's Church. That will begin at  6 p.m.

Seniors are being asked to arrive at the CPS cafeteria by 5 p.m. Friday evening. The Baccalaureate will also move up a day to Thursday at 6 p.m. at St. Paul’s Church.

The other alternative would have been to keep graduation on Saturday, but that would have required it to be moved indoors. The options were discussed with seniors during their rehearsal today, and they asked that it be on Friday.

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