Island's Salvadoran Community Performs Living Stations Of The Cross On Good Friday

Jason Graziadei •

On Good Friday, Nantucket’s Spanish-speaking Catholics from St. Mary Our Lady of the Isle gathered at the St. Mary’s cemetery for the Living Stations of the Cross procession.

More than 200 people, predominantly from the island’s Salvadoran community, showed up to watch the reenactment depicting Jesus on the day of his crucifixion, as performed by members of the St. Mary’s congregation.

Father Carlos Patiño Villa and Father John Murray were both present to lead the faithful.

"What we just witnessed is the beautiful reenactment of the way of the cross, obviously the living way of the cross, put on by the beautiful community here on Nantucket that speaks Spanish from El Salvador," Father Murray said. "We are very blessed to have them here to present this beautiful way of the cross to show our faith, and what we believe, that on this day, Good Friday, that Christ died for our sins and opened for us the way to eternal life."

It marked the first time in three years that St. Mary’s Spanish congregation had staged the Living Stations of the Cross, having cancelled the two prior years amid the pandemic.