A Safe Place Reminds Community Of Its Services

Jennifer Frazee •

To the editor: Since 1987 A Safe Place has been providing free and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. During that same year October was designated as national Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). Since that time, domestic violence programs across the country have observed DVAM each October to raise awareness to this issue, advocate for change, celebrate survivors, and mourn the lives lost to domestic violence homicide.

Unfortunately, all these years later domestic and sexual violence are still prevalent and happening even in our own community. This is a reminder for all that A Safe Place is here to provide supportive and therapeutic services for anyone impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault. This includes survivors, their children, and other loved ones who may need support. Advocates and Counselors are available 24 hours per day, and in-office staff speak Spanish and Portuguese in addition to English. To connect, please stop by A Safe Place located at 5B Windy Way, call our 24-hour hotline at 508-228-2111, or chat live with a counselor Monday-Friday during business hours at www.asafeplacenantucket.org

You are never alone. Help is available.

Jennifer Frazee

Executive Director, A Safe Place

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