A Safe Place Speaks Out On Child Rape Plea Agreement

Jennifer Frazee and Jane Loose •

To the editor: As advocates for victims of sexual assault, we are deeply troubled by the recent plea deal and sentencing of Mark Hamilton.

Mr. Hamilton plead guilty to seven charges of rape and abuse of a child under the age of 16 and one charge of enticement or solicitation of child pornography. He was sentenced to two years’ probation on the child pornography charge and given a two and a half year suspended jail sentence for the seven rape charges.

Hamilton was 23 years old when he met the underage victim. He was her coach. When apprehended, he told the victim to lie to investigators. Hamilton knew the encounters were wrong. They were not a “mistake” made by a “good person”. Seven sexual encounters and child pornography are not a “mistake”. These were considered and deliberate actions taken by a person of influence and authority in the victim’s life.

Victims of sexual assault are revictimized when the court system gives preferential treatment to the perpetrator. Probation and suspended sentences are not justice served. If those who commit sexual assault are not held accountable by the courts, victims will be discouraged from coming forward. They may have a difficult time healing.

A Safe Place is committed to our mission to work to eliminate domestic violence and sexual assault in the Nantucket community while empowering every woman, man and child to live a life free from violence. We encourage victims to reach out to us as advocates. We urge justices to recognize and prioritize the lifelong impact of sexual abuse on the victim when sentencing perpetrators.


Jennifer Frazee
Executive Director, A Safe Place, Inc.

Jane Loose
Board Chair, A Safe Place, Inc.

Current Opinion