And You Thought You Heard Everything

Nat Lowell •

To the editor: So let me do my best to understand this so-called short-term rental (STR) study released by ACK Now. Short-term visitors (human beings staying on Nantucket for 31 days or less), formerly known as plain old tourists prior to 2019, somehow, suddenly no longer substantially contribute to our economy?

Ok, so we have had our differences on many issues over the years but I’ve never, ever heard anyone ever, even as a joke or in a compromised state of mind, make the claim that any form of summer tourism, even day trippers, doesn’t contribute much to our economy.

So humans staying here for 31 days or less, magically, somehow contribute insignificantly compared to humans staying here 32 days or more? I cannot believe that these ‘findings’ made it out of the hopper.

Since the Steamship Authority has a very similar annual budget as the Town and derives most of its income from the summer months, what if I made the claim that; "The Steamship sustains its financial viability to provide service year-round from excursion rates and athletic team rates for year-round residents and schools?"

Nobody in their right mind would believe that for a millisecond. Well, the same goes for tourists staying here for 31 days or less in the summer. I thought I had heard it all when statements were made that too many bikers would be traveling to Wauwinet if a bike path was built. I think this latest STR claim may actually top that. Please support Articles 1 & 2 but most importantly, support your right to rent your property in the way you wish on Nov 7.

Nat Lowell

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