Shock And Outrage Over Gag Order On Town Employees

Kate Hamilton Pardee •

To the editor: Reading the article and headline regarding the gag order in The Nantucket Current and Inquirer and Mirror today, I have never been more shocked and outraged. Exactly whom is this meant to protect? As it appears to be the self-serving decision of a few, perhaps it will instead unite many opposing sides of the table.

Is this in reaction to the sentiments expressed by Sean Mitchell? This hero would now be reprimanded for speaking out, even when he risked his life for us all. You know what they say: Get out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat.

The result of this policy will cause several reverberations, including and not limited to:

1. Serve to frighten employees— giving them yet another reason to fear working for the Town of Nantucket.

2. Help recruit new employees (yes, a bit sarcastic).

3. Whether they agree, all homeowners, businesses, and community members will now be prevented from hearing all sides on any given issue, and, never learning the absolute truth.

4. The town’s legal bill is bound to skyrocket from the efforts made in order to defend this unconstitutional decision.

What I find even more incredulous is the town hired a PR firm for help. Maybe they can provide the names of other towns that have been successful in ventures taking away people’s civil liberties.

In conclusion: it will hurt everyone. How can someone do this without consensus or approval? It affects us all. We can all refer to this as Island Nullified on Nantucket or, more to the point…GAGACK.


Kate Hamilton Pardee

Current Opinion