Officer Meghan Giacalone

Meghan Giacalone •

I have worked as a full-time police Officer for four years, and two years as a ATV Community Service Officer. I work the night shift in the summer and day shift in the winter and I am head coach of the summer softball team “Guns and Hoses” (fire and police team).

I find the best part of being a police officer on Nantucket is the unique island community. I love the small town feel coupled with the bustling beach town setting.

Being a female is a huge advantage because I am able to respond to calls for service with compassion and understanding.

It has been rewarding to see the number of female officers grow over the years. It just further solidifies that women are capable of doing police work.

I have found life-long friendships from within this department and look to them for support and guidance.

I am encouraged, appreciated, and respected equally by my male co-workers.

My favorite quote that reflects my overall reason for becoming a police officer:

Maya Angelou- “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Ultimately I want to make people feel safe and secure.

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