Nantucket Runs On...Our Workforce | Part 2

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Nantucket Runs On...Our Workforce.

Here’s the second installment of our series acknowledging the unsung members of our community who make the island go during the busy season. These are the people you might not see on the front page, but whose work is essential to the island economy and to everyone who lives on Nantucket - whether they're a summer resident or here year-round.
We set out to capture a handful of these people on the job and in their element to recognize them and thank them for all they do.
This feature is intended to be representative of the island's workforce - the people who often toil away in obscurity, but are very much deserving of some recognition and gratitude.
We’re talking about all those people working behind the scenes in the island’s service industry, at the grocery stores, in the trades, healthcare and public safety, or in transportation. And everyone in between.
We acknowledge these photos are not all inclusive - there are so many more who deserve to be recognized.

All photos below by Charity Grace Mofsen unless otherwise noted.

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