Cape & Island League All Stars Announced
David Creed •

With the 2024 fall sports season all but wrapped up outside of the football team, who will be traveling to Fenway Park next week to face Martha's Vineyard in the Island Cup, many players across the Cape & Islands have been recognized for their efforts this season - including many Nantucket players.
Follow the blue link below to see each Whaler athlete who was named an all star this fall. The sport that has not announced all stars to date is football.
Girls Soccer:
Adney Brannigan
Chelsea Gross
Myah Johnson
Harper LeBrecht
Madden Myers (honorable mention)
Boys Soccer:
Ryan Coleman
Alex Ivilov
Stoyan Popov
Edvin Valentukevicius
Jake Johnson (honorable mention)
Field Hockey:
Caroline Collette
Maddie Lombardi
Mayson Lower
Marin Mooney
Suz Peraner
Carley Ray
Sam Zadroga (honorable mention)
Cross Country:
Dorian Manov
Rory Murray
Michael Sullivan
Nick Ferrantella (honorable mention)
Vicky Todorova
Rihanna Cranston (honorable mention)
David Boulter
David Foley
To be determined.
Rory Murray - Lighthouse Division, Cross Country
Suz Peraner - Lighthouse Division, Field Hockey
Individual Sportsmanship Awards:
Chelsea Gross
Iain MacIver - Cross Country
Lyric Pearl - Volleyball
Chelsea-Ann Welch - JV Volleyball
Team Sportsmanship Awards: