Spring Sea Run Fishing Tournament Results Announced

David Creed •

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The 8th annual Spring Sea Run Opener, a charity fishing tournament, came to a close last week and the official results are in.

Two winners stood above the rest. Tournament organizer Rafael Osona said two participants were picked as winners by a point weighted drawing. Each of these winners picked a charity and scholarship fund to receive money. The money is raised by donating sponsors and registered participants.

The first winner was Noah Karberg, who posted a personal best 41” striped bass. He selected Small Friends Nantucket to receive $1,500.

The second winner was Homer Ray IV, who selected the Gary and Glenn DaSilva Scholarship to receive $1,000. This scholarship fund is for students who plan to attend a certified trade school after graduation.

Homer’s decision stems from Homer, an island native, has served the island in the field of refrigeration and cooling needs for decades and according to Osona, felt this was a meaningful selection for him, and would greatly serve one of the island’s local teens looking to pursue a career in the trades.

Other major winners were announced on Tuesday and are listed below.

First Sea Run Striper: Sam Brandt

First Bluefish: Victor Boucher

First Keeper Bass: Victor Boucher

Biggest Striper: Dan Holmes

Smallest Striper: Sam Herrick

Team Champs: Team Ramrod (Mike Lewis, Dan Holmes, Travis Brown).

For a full list of winners and to learn more about the tournament, you can click here. To see photos from the tournament, you can check out the tournament’s Instagram page here.

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