Current Court Report - March 18, 2024

David Creed •

This week’s Current Court Report includes arraignments and dispositions from Monday’s Nantucket District Court session.

Concepcion Benitez-Molina, 59, of Nantucket was arraigned on a Feb. 24 charge of trespassing. He had a not-guilty plea entered on his behalf and will have the charge dismissed following the payment of $100 in court costs.

After being continued without a finding for one year Niall Casey, 53, of Nantucket had a Feb. 23, 2023 charge of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol dismissed.

Fabio Amaral Paiva, 39, of Nantucket was arraigned on March 11 charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, resisting arrest, failure to stop for police, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, failure to stop/yield, and a marked lanes violation. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court April 16 for a pretrial hearing.

According to the police report, after Paiva was pulled over by police he allegedly fled the scene on foot and was seen running through numerous properties. Police also allege that after Paiva was stopped, he accelerated away down Fairgrounds Road before coming to a complete stop at the corner of Hooper Farm Road and Surfside Drive.

Ludvin Salguero Najera, 28, of Nantucket was arraigned on March 9 charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, speeding, and possessing an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court April 22 for a pretrial hearing.

*All defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty under a court of law*

Current Crime