Daffodil Festival Antique Car Parade Winners

Nantucket Current •

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Ann Palica and Luke Carter's tiffany blue 1957 Lincoln Premier, which won "Best In Show."

Among the highlights of the 48th annual Nantucket Daffodil Festival was the antique car parade from Main Street out to 'Sconset.

The Chamber of Commerce also presented a series of awards to some of the vehicles in the parade in the following categories: Tailgate; Picnic; Best In Show; Most Authentic; and Best Decoration.


Best In Show

  • Luke Carter, 1957 Lincoln Premier, Tiffany Blue
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Bruce Percelay's 1958 BMW Isetta, which weighs just 750 pounds and gets 65 miles per gallon, won the "most authentic" category. The theme was "Less Is More." It was Percelay's fifth win in the Daffodil Festival antique car parade.

Most Authentic

  • #1: Bruce Percelay, 1958 BMW Isetta, Blue
  • #2: William Clemmy, 1949 Cadillac Series 62 Convert., Green
  • #3: Marjorie Lewis, 1929 Graham Paige, Blue

Best Decoration

  • #1: Arianna Merullo, 1949 Chevrolet Pickup Truck, Blue
  • #2: Mark O’Neil, 1984 Land Rover Defender, Light Blue
  • #3: Remy Stressenger, 1971 Chevy Blazer, Grey


  • #1: Timothy Caruthers “The Great Daffy Ball”
  • #2: Christy Kickham “Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas”
  • #3: Karen Nelson “Scouts in a Scout”


  • #1: This Ain't Our First Rodeo
  • #2: Alice in Nantucket Land
  • #3: 119 Bee Witched
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