"Scooters" To Replace Nativ Made On The Strip
David Creed •

If you’ve driven down Broad Street recently and made your way along The Strip, you may have noticed some work being done to 10 Broad Street, where Nativ Made has been located since 2013.
The work is being done as Nativ Made is in the process of transforming into Scooters, a fast food, bowl restaurant that will be run by the Stubbys ownership team led by Scott Kopp. The change is happening after Kopp and Nativ Made owner Nathan Coe reached an agreement for Kopp to take over the lease for the property.
“I am totally excited. I love the concept and we have wanted to do this for the longest time,” Kopp told the Current on Thursday. “I am really excited. It is easy and fun. Healthy food and it should be easy to staff. Skillset isn’t too difficult. I think it is what we are missing down here on The Strip.”
Kopp, who also owns other businesses on the strip including Stubbys, Walters, and Island Coffee, said the bowls will be vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and string beans to go along with fresh, healthy proteins. They will also offer Acai Bowls.
“It will compliment Stubbys well,” he said. “It will be fast and being across from the ferry, the more you can do fast the better. It could go late night too, but the hours haven’t been decided yet. We need to figure that all out.”
Kopp said he and his team were originally hoping to be open in early June just after Figawi weekend, however his equipment supplier informed him late Thursday evening that that it will be about six to eight weeks until they are able to complete the order for necessary equipment.
“That’s longer than we hoped but that’s what we have to work with,” he said. “It is set up pretty well in there, so we don’t need to do too much. We just needed to find someone to build a counter for me, and I think I sourced something that is ready made and we can just customize it to what we need. It really is a tight space, but we are used to that down here.”
The name Scooters was first proposed by Kopp’s wife Trish.
“The name came up because it was my childhood nickname,” he said. “Everyone on The Strip pretty much knows me as Scooter. It was not my choice, however. I would never name a place after me. It was my wife. She insisted it was a great name and she helped name Stubbys and did the logo for Stubbys 20 years ago.
“We have been thinking about doing this for the longest time, we just never had the space," Kopp continued. "Now we have the space and are excited for what’s to come.”
Kopp said that Coe is exploring the possibility of a Nativ Made in another location on the island.