Faces Of Nantucket: Kayann Siddo

Charity Grace Mofsen •

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Photo by Charity Grace Mofsen

Meet Nantucket resident Kayann Siddo

Years on the island: 17

Favorite thing about Nantucket: peaceful, quiet, safe

Kayann first arrived on the island in 2007 from Jamaica. She told the Current she loves the peace, quiet, and safety of Nantucket. Most people will recognize her as the woman behind the soda fountain counter at Nantucket Pharmacy. A self-described “people person,” Kayann goes out of her way to bring happiness to all those she comes in contact with. Whether you’re sitting at the counter eating a tasty lunch prepared by Kayann or grabbing a pint of IK ice cream to go, most people leave her presence feeling better than when they arrived. Kayann is also an aspiring coffee shop owner, so we’ll certainly see more of her. 

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Photo by Charity Grace Mofsen

Faces of Nantucket is our new portrait series by Nantucket Current contributor Charity Grace Mofsen spotlighting members of the island community who make it a better place to live, work, and play. We’ll be sharing a new edition each Friday. Do you have someone you’d like to nominate for this series? Email us at nantucketcurrent@n-magazine.com

Current People